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Recent News & Blog / Nonprofit

  • How to train your nonprofit’s employees to combat hackers

    Your not-for-profit organization can’t count its cybersecurity program effective unless it properly trains employees. If staffers visit “dangerous” websites, mix work and personal accounts, or can’t recognize a social engineering scheme, they may open the door to hackers.

  • Keep thieves from stealing from your nonprofit youth sports league

    A few years ago, the popular and well-compensated executive director of a west coast youth soccer league was accused of fraud. After scrutinizing the club’s books, the league’s board of directors couldn’t account for $80,000.

  • Should you reassess your nonprofit’s office space?

    Since the original COVID-19 lockdowns, many not-for-profits have allowed their staffers to work from home — or work a hybrid schedule that puts them onsite only part time. This can leave a lot of office space unused.

  • Nonprofits and insurance: Getting it just right

    Whether you’re starting up a not-for-profit organization or your nonprofit has existed for years, you may have questions about insurance. For starters: What kind do you need? How much? Are you required by your state or by grantmakers to carry certain coverage?

  • Keeping in compliance with Uniform Guidance

    If your not-for-profit receives significant federal funds, it may be subject to the Office of Management and Budget’s Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements (Uniform Guidance).

  • Nonprofits: 4 signs that something may be awry

    Many not-for-profit leaders are nervously watching macroeconomic signs — inflation, rising interest rates and the possibility of recession — to predict how their organization will fare in coming months and years. But threats to your nonprofit’s well-being may be closer than you think.

  • Why nonprofits need to track staffers’ time

    Not-for-profit organizations are compelled by federal and state wage-and-hours laws to perform a certain amount of time tracking. Funders may also stipulate timekeeping practices. Fortunately, timekeeping software can make the job a lot easier for staffers and managers.

  • Your nonprofit probably won’t be audited by the IRS, but if it is …

    Despite recent accusations that the IRS targets certain types of tax-exempt organizations for audit, not-for-profit audits generally are rare. That’s because most nonprofits owe no or very little tax.

  • Nonprofits: 4 ratios worth watching

    To control your not-for-profit’s expenses and improve operating efficiency, you need to keep an eye on the numbers. This should come as no surprise. But which measures are important?

  • Make a fraud recovery plan now, before your nonprofit is defrauded

    According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), not-for-profit organizations make up 9% of all defrauded organizations. Such attacks — and losses — can be enough to destroy a nonprofit.

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