Estate planning Q&A: Guardianship
If you’re the parent of a newborn, toddler or older child, you may be thinking about naming a guardian for him or her. This can be a difficult decision, especially if you have many choices or, on the other hand, no one you can trust. Read here for answers to common questions about guardianship. Contact the estate planning advisors at SEK for further guidance.
How Section 1231 gains and losses affect business asset sales
When selling business assets, understanding the tax implications is crucial. One area to focus on is Section 1231 of the tax code, which governs the treatment of gains and losses. Gains and losses from selling Sec. 1231 assets receive favorable federal income tax treatment. Contact the business advisors at SEK to help you plan the timing of gains and losses for optimal tax results.
Tax-wise ways to save for college
As higher education costs continue to rise, you may be concerned about how to save and pay for college. Fortunately, several tools and strategies offered in the U.S. tax code may help ease the financial burden. Below is an overview of some of the most beneficial tax breaks and planning options for funding your child’s or grandchild’s education. Contact SEK's tax advisors for more info.
One from many: Why your nonprofit might want to federate
Federated nonprofits are single corporate entities with multiple chapters. There’s no one definitive legal structure for federated organizations. But local chapters generally operate independently and pay an amount to their national office in exchange for the name, branding and other benefits. Advantages can include economies of scale; a single, distinct brand; higher visibility; shared resources; and greater chapter-based accountability. Contact SEK's nonprofit advisors to learn more.
Using your 401(k) plan to save this year and next
Socking away money in a tax-advantaged retirement plan can help you reduce taxes and help secure a comfortable retirement. If your employer offers a 401(k) or Roth 401(k), contributing to the plan is a smart way to build a substantial nest egg. Contact the tax advisors and retirement planning advisors at SEK with your questions.
Make better branding your nonprofit’s 2025 New Year’s resolution
Here’s a nonprofit New Year’s resolution: Strengthen your brand. The first task is to identify what your nonprofit cares about, what it does, how it’s effective and why it deserves support. Contact SEK's nonprofit advisors for suggestions.
Have you prepared an advance health care directive?
An advance health care directive allows you to communicate your preferences, in advance, for medical care in the event you’re incapacitated. Comparable to a durable power of attorney, a health care power of attorney enables another person to make health care decisions for you. Contact the estate planning advisors at SEK with your questions.
Building a thriving workplace: Strategies for a positive culture
In today's competitive business landscape, building a positive workplace culture is essential for fostering employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall organizational success. To create and maintain a vibrant workplace culture that attracts and retains top talent, follow these actionable strategies.
How are Series EE savings bonds taxed?
Many people own Series EE savings bonds that were purchased many years ago that have now accrued interest. EE bond interest isn’t subject to state income tax and you can potentially not have to pay federal income tax on it. However, like all interest-bearing investments, savings bonds come with tax implications that are important to understand. Contact the CPAs and tax advisors at SEK to find out more.
Are you sending automated reminder emails in QuickBooks Online?
Of all the tasks you have to complete to keep your company’s finances going, trying to collect on unpaid invoices is probably one of the most unpleasant. Setting up automated email reminders in QuickBooks Online solves that problem. Here’s how you can get started with them.