Recent News & Blog

  • An overview of the updates to 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200 (Uniform Guidance)

    Uniform Guidance is a framework introduced by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and used across various government agencies and departments for grant management.

  • Government training sites

    In today's rapidly changing environment, governmental organizations must stay informed on the latest policies, developments, and best practices. Access to high-quality training resources is essential to help these organizations thrive.

  • Consider borrowing from your corporation but structure the deal carefully

    If you own a closely held corporation, you can borrow from it for personal purposes at rates below those charged by a bank. But be sure to set up a bona-fide loan to avoid adverse tax consequences. Contact the CPAs and tax advisors at SEK to answer your tax questions.

  • Beware these 5 estate planning pitfalls

    No one likes to contemplate his or her mortality, but having a plan in place can provide you and your loved ones peace of mind should you unexpectedly become incapacitated or die. Here are five basic pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. Contact the CPAs and estate planning advisors at SEK for assistance to help ensure you’ve covered all the estate planning bases.

  • Nonprofit: Even a lower-cost benefits menu can help you attract talent

    If your not-for-profit is recruiting new staffers, it can be difficult to overcome the widely held belief that nonprofits offer lower salaries than for-profit businesses. To entice candidates to give your organization a second look, consider enhancing your benefits menu. It doesn’t have to cost a lot. Talk to a benefits expert or contact the business advisors at SEK for more information.

  • Having trouble budgeting? QuickBooks Online can help

    Have you explored QuickBooks Online’s budget tools? We can help you get set up and provide some helpful tips.

  • SEK Receives United Way of Washington County, MD’s FIRE Award

    SEK, CPAs & Advisors received the United Way of Washington County, Maryland’s annual FIRE Award, presented for Distinguished Achievements in the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE) sectors.

  • SEK Announces Mid-Year Promotions

    The Members of SEK, CPAs & Advisors are pleased to announce the following Manager, Supervisor, and Senior Associate promotions effective July 1, 2024:

  • What might be ahead as many tax provisions are scheduled to expire?

    We’re likely to see major federal tax changes within the next year or two. The reason has to do with the upcoming elections and provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) that are set to expire on Dec. 31, 2025. What will happen to YOUR taxes depends on which scenario becomes reality. Contact the CPAs and tax advisors at SEK for more information.

  • Undue influence claims may upend your estate plan

    If someone is found to have exerted “undue influence” over your final estate decisions, a family member may challenge your will after your death. Establishing that you are “of sound mind and body” when you sign your will can go a long way toward combating an undue influence claim. Contact the CPAs and estate advisors at SEK for additional steps you can take to avoid future undue influence claims.

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